Voices of Media Literacy: International Pioneers Speak : David Considine Interview Transcript

DATE OF INTERVIEW: Mon, July 12, 2010
I came very early to believe that interested kids did not have behavior problems...
A lot of the kids that I taught would have been regarded as, using an Australian phrase, “no hopers.” My belief was not that they were “no hopers” but it was just that school did not engage them.
If it is relevant to them, if it’s got something to do with their life and connects the classroom to the real world then they get involved. So, in many ways I stumbled into media literacy because media was an important part of my life...
I would certainly like to see more teacher education programs integrate media literacy.
David Considineis a prolific author and professor at the Reich College of Education at Appalachian State University (ASU), where he established the first ever graduate program in media literacy. In addition to having served on the board of directors for the National Telemedia Council, the International Visual Literacy Association and the Alliance for a Media Literate America, Dr. Considine was consultant to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy during the Clinton and the Bush administrations.   Since the beginning of his career as a school teacher in his native, Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Considine has been an advocate for media literacy's integration into schools.
Selected Questions:
How did you become involved in media education?
What were your goals?
So, did you know Marieli Rowe?
In your early teaching years, were there any surprises in regards to what would connect with the students?
Anything else about your early experiences teaching that you think were pivotal?
It seems like in the U.S. we don’t talk that much about music in media education.
Were there specific people or texts that have inspired your work?
Can you talk a little bit about your opinion about the state of media literacy today? How far do you think the field has come?
Do you think the field is moving in the direction you think best? Why, or why not?
And the thing you said before, I mean the real focus, could be in identifying those misconceptions and figuring out a way to educate the change makers.
So what is the direction?
What are some milestones you noted along the way?
So what would you like to see happen?
When I came into my doctoral program saying what I wanted to do, what I wanted to study, trying to explain media literacy to the education department was difficult.
Media literacy, as a discipline, feels incredibly fragmented and I agree with you wholeheartedly that everyone is really talking about the same thing.

For complete text of interview go to PDF.